Whether regularly working from home or occasionally travelling on business, mobile working has become firmly established in many companies. However, in addition to the major benefits such as greater flexibility, there are also challenges, particularly in terms of data security and secure working. In this article, we show what advices the German Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI) gives on secure mobile working and how WSCAD supports secure decentralised working.
Establishing security guidelines
An unwanted outflow of information is one of the biggest security risks. Companies should therefore define clear security guidelines:
- What information may be transported and processed outside the company?
- Who is authorised to take this information with them?
- How is this information protected?
- Which means of communication may be used for mobile working and under what conditions?
Raising employee awareness
Security guidelines are ineffective if they are not followed. Therefore, sensitising employees is essential. Train employees in the security guidelines. Emphasise the value of data and the dangers of inappropriate handling of information and point out the risks involved in the careless transport and destruction of data.
Access and access protection
Infrastructural security is not the same for mobile working as it is for in-house offices. It is therefore important to take measures to protect against burglary and access.
These include
- lockable rooms or at least roller containers for the secure storage of work equipment and information.
- the use of screen protectors to protect against “shoulder surfing”, i.e. spying on information by “looking over your shoulder”.
- tidying up the home workplace after work
Encryption of IT systems and data carriers
It is often easier for attackers to access confidential information when working remotely. It is therefore essential that portable IT systems and data carriers are encrypted.
Secure remote access to the company network
Cryptographically secured virtual private networks (VPNs) offer secure access to company networks and data, even when accessed via external networks. However, not all external networks are the same (private WIFI vs. public WIFI in cafés, in the city, etc.). Companies should therefore develop rules and trainings for dealing with external IT networks in order to minimise risks.
Regular data backups
Data can be lost due to falls, climatic conditions or simply leaving data carriers lying around. Regular data backups, which are also stored in the company, are therefore extremely important. The loss of data carriers should be reported promptly to the company so that it can react to risks in good time.
Correct data disposal
The correct, secure disposal of data is just as important as protecting it. Confidential information – no matter if printed or on a data carrier – should therefore not simply be disposed of with household waste or in a hotel, etc. Before disposal, the data must be checked for its level of confidentiality and, depending on this, securely destroyed within the company.
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Local network licences
WSCAD software is used via network licences, which are normally located on the company server. For mobile working or working from home, however, the licences can be borrowed and stored locally on the user’s computer. One security advantage is, that no constant Internet connection is required. This improves your level of security especially when travelling on business, as no insecure networks need to be used. And even if the laptop is lost (theft or similar), the borrowed licence remains with the company: once the loan period has expired, the borrowed licence is back on the company server.
Locally installed software – decentralised data:
Data is the gold of the Internet and should therefore be well protected. With WSCAD, the software can be installed locally and the data can be accessed in the company network via a secure VPN connection. In the case of insecure networks, the required data can be temporarily stored locally and later returned to the company network. This allows a flexible response depending on the security situation.
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Conclusion: remote working requires data security
Advancing digitalisation and the increasing prevalence of working from home and mobile working present companies with new challenges, particularly in the area of data security. It is essential to draw up comprehensive security guidelines and sensitise employees accordingly. Protecting access and using encrypted systems are just as important as regular data backups and correct data disposal. Companies that consistently implement security measures can take full advantage of the benefits of mobile working without jeopardising the security of their sensitive information.